
Working with Crew Unions: A 101 Crash Course for Advertisers and Producers Webinar

The pre-production stage for a Music Video and Commercial have a lot of moving pieces…

From casting, location scouting, and budgeting– there’s lots to do, and even more that can go wrong.

You also need to make a big decision: to hire a union or non-union crew.

Sure, hiring non-union workers is more affordable in most cases. But working with union crew can result in more skilled workers and a higher production value.

If you’re interested in learning more about what it looks like to hire union crew members for your upcoming commercial or music video, we’ve got you covered.

Consider this video a 101 crash course for advertisers and producers who are in the pre-production stage. In just 10 minutes, you’ll learn:

→ The different types of union crew

→ How to you go about hiring union crew members

→ Choosing which unions you may need to work with

→ Everything that can go wrong when working with union crews (and how to avoid these pitfalls!)

Let’s jump right in!