How To Fill Out SAG-AFTRA Commercial Employee Forms


Having to fill out SAG-AFTRA employee forms can be easy at first…

“Add your name, job name , working dates…” simple, right?

Where it can begin to get a bit more complicated for producers or talent is when they see terms like “AD-ID” or “classification.” 

And while you fill it out to the best of your ability– without any clear understanding of what these sections mean, oftentimes paperwork has to be returned for corrections. 

Though it may not seem like a big deal, going back and forth to correct forms can quickly lead to a longer turnaround time and can delay your team’s payment process and ultimately lead to added penalty fees for producers. 

Here at CMS, we see this all the time. Hey, mistakes happen but we’re here to help you every step of the way.

That is why we’re giving you the step-by-step guide on how to fill out SAG-AFTRA Commercial employee forms. And as an added bonus, we’re throwing in a free producer’s checklist so you know you didn’t miss a thing when sending in production paperwork in the future! Check it out.

What Producers Need to Know About SAG-AFTRA Commercial Contract Forms

Completing SAG-AFTRA Commercial Contract forms correctly and on time is important for both the producer and performer alike. This ensures the performer receives their pay on time and producers can rest assured that they stay within their production budget.

Below, we’re going to cover the most frequently asked questions producers have when it comes to filling out SAG-AFTRA Commercial Contract forms:

What are SAG-AFTRA Commercial Contract forms?

SAG-AFTRA Commercial Contract forms, also known as Exhibit A-1 and Exhibit A-2, are to be completed by both the performer and producer to process payroll. This form is completed after having hired your performers, on or before the shoot date(s); we are able to track their work times and pay them according to their performer classification and rates. 

What kinds of employee forms are there? 

SAG-AFTRA employee forms vary per talent category. For principal talent, they fill out an Exhibit A-1 form and background talent, also known as extras, fill out an Exhibit A-2 form. 

Who’s responsible for filling out SAG-AFTRA employee forms?

Both Exhibit A-1 form and Exhibit A-2 form are filled by both the performer and the producer. There are designated sections on each form for both parties specifically and as we go step-by-step we’ll make sure to point out each section.

Why is it important to fill out SAG-AFTRA employee forms correctly? 

These forms are very important in terms of processing payroll for your team and they are also legally binding documents. Without it, it can lead to several repercussions; payment delays for your team and added penalty fees to the producer. 

Ensuring you fill out these forms correctly will help get these forms turned in on time and get your production running smoothly.

Before you Begin Filling Out SAG-AFTRA Employee Paperwork

Before you begin, there are a few important guidelines to take in mind to ensure payroll is processed in a timely manner: 

  • Producer: Please review how talent was cast, booked, and hired. Classification and rates need to reflect accurate booking details.

  • Incorrect or incomplete paperwork submission may result in delays in payroll processing and late payment penalties by SAG-AFTRA.

How to Fill Out SAG-AFTRA Commercial Form

Filling out employee contracts may seem like a no brainer but according to Catie Colucci, head of CMS Production’s union signatory division, 60% of employee forms get sent back for corrections. 

Delays in submitting your forms correctly can lead to delay in payroll process and SAG-AFTRA added penalty fees for producers. And who has time for that?

Use the guidelines below to ensure your employee forms are right the first time and your production doesn't suffer from any hiccups or delays. 

Filling out an Exhibit A-1 Form

What is an Exhibit A-1 Form? An Exhibit A-1 form is an employment agreement for principal performers that includes work times, usage details, and rates, and must be completed in order to accurately process payroll.

  1. Name

First, you want to make sure to add your Commercial name, Ad-ID, Advertiser and Product information.

2. Dates and Times 

In this section, work dates and times, meal breaks, travel time and any fitting time need to be tracked. 

3. Project Information 

In this section, add in your project information including classifications and rates. Here are some main takeaways:

  • Performer: Add the performer name. If loanout, include performer name as well. 

  • # of Commercials: Do not include edits. These will be determined in post. 

  • Advertising Agency: List N/A if there is no agency.

  • Compensation: List SCALE or guarantee if there is one. Additionally, add the agency fees but do not include usage.

4. Payment Address

This section is only to be filled out if payment is being sent c/o an agency. Otherwise, payment will be sent to the address on the performers payroll tax forms.

5. Don't Forget to Sign! 

Ensure both performer and producer sign this form before submitting.

6. Special Provisions

Lastly, add any special provisions, including but not limited to, overscale guarantees and exclusivity.

Filling out an Exhibit A-2 Form 

Exhibit A-2 forms, are to be completed by performers that are extras or background performers. Don't forget, the producer on set must also sign this form before submitting! 

  1. Name 

As always, start by adding your Commercial name, Ad-ID, Advertiser and Product information.

2. Dates and Times 

In this section, work dates and times, meal breaks, travel time, and any fitting times need to be tracked.

3. Project Information 

For this section, you’ll add your project information. Here are some helpful tips:

  • Agency: Put “N/A” if there is no agency. 

  • Date and time of engagement: It’s okay to leave this section blank.

4. Performer Classification 

 A-2 classifications include: Extras/Background, Hand Model, Stand-in, & Photo Double. If performer is booked for more than one role, all roles need to be checked.

5. Allowances 

Allowances consist of non taxable wages including, mileage, reimbursement for wardrobe expenses and props for performers if they brought their own.

6. Payment 

Complete this section only if payment is to be sent c/o an agency.

7. Don’t Forget to Sign! 

Lastly, don't forget both producer and performer must sign these forms before submitting.

The Producer’s Checklist for Filling Out SAG-AFTRA Commercial Employee Forms 

Producers: Ultimately you are responsible for ensuring your SAG-AFTRA forms are filled out correctly.

So before you submit, it’s always good to double check your forms to ensure everything is teed up for success. 

Here’s a checklist to help streamline the review of your SAG-AFTRA employee forms:

  • Number of commercials: Number of commercials on the contract should not include any edits or cutdowns. These should only be unique commercials.

  • Exhibit A-1 compensation: Compensation on the A-1 must be listed as "scale" unless an overscale guarantee is negotiated. If an overscale guarantee is listed in the compensation section, a note must be added to the Special Provisions section at the bottom of the contract indicating what is included in the guarantee.

  • Agency fees: If agency fees are to be added to A-1 talent compensation, that clearly must be indicated in the compensation section.

  • Agency information: If payroll checks should be sent directly to a talent agency, the agency information must be listed on the A-1 or A-2.

  • Exclusivity: If exclusivity is granted, that must be indicated in the Special Provisions sections on the contract.

  • Make copies: Performers must be given copies of their contracts before leaving set.

  • Section 2 of the I9- Employer Review and Verification: This section must be completed and signed by the person reviewing the payroll paperwork before submitting.

Conclusion: Streamline Your Production by Working With an Expert

It’s as simple as that! SAG-AFTRA employee forms are crucial for streamlining your payroll process. And by ensuring your team fills them out correctly, you can confidently avoid delayed payroll processing and added SAG-AFTRA late payment penalty fees. 

Union contracts and regulations do not have to be such a headache but they can be especially if you or your team are not familiar with union talent. 

If you are hoping to work with union talent and aren’t a signatory, CMS Productions would love to help. As a third-party signatory to SAG-AFTRA Commercials, Corporate Educational/Industrial & Interactive Media contracts), we’re happy to assist with helping you hire the best talent for your upcoming production. Contact us today to set up a consultation.


A Beginner’s Guide to SAG-AFTRA Contracts


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